Saptaswaralin is an exptremly challenging intrument at the same time one of the most divine and addictive sound of music that one could come accross.It is very vibrant and stands out for its unique timbre and deserves centre stage! It is unique in the way its strings are arranged which is very different from the conventional seven string acoustic viola. This makes Shri Shekhar Tanjorkar’s rendition one of its kind and supremely unique.
THE DREAM: Creating the seven string viola was shekharji’s fathers dream. After a lot of hardwork and perseverance, Guru Shri Shekhar Tanjorkar could make an evolution in the world of music by giving birth to the seven string viola. Thus creating a history in the Indian classical music and making India proud.
THE CREATION: Guru Shri Shekhar Tanjorkar worked on the viola for the last ten years to achieve the exact combination of strings and their placements to create the seven-string viola. He perfected the instrument in the last three years. Saptaswarlin was unvieled successfully in August 2010.
THE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: This unique creation was encouraged by the wel-known Times Of India Group- Mumbai Mirror, The Afternoon ; in which one of his recent solo performance was featured where he introduced The Saptaswarlin to the crowd of Mumbai, India.